Sunday, September 14, 2008

I have a cold and felt like I could have slept in this morning. But I didn't. And I'm so glad. My oldest boy is in confirmation now once a week which requires sermon notes. I think it's neat to watch him listening so intently, I really think he's learning a lot and it kind of gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. But even cooler was during communion. I went up, came back to the pew and watched the pastor come down to an old man at the end of our pew. He was in a wheelchair, hooked up to an oxygen tank and a couple of other tubes. I thought, "wow, all that and he still came to church." Kind of made my whining about my cold seem ridiculous. I watched as the pastor gave him the bread, the wine and told him his sins were forgiven. To my surprise the man started to sob. It was like he was so happy to be taking communion. He was so happy to be blessed. I just couldn't control myself. Even now as I write this, my eyes are welled up. It was just one of the most awesome things I have seen. I find it so remarkable how we experience things like this, almost like we were meant to witness it.

I don't think I will ever forget that old man. Taking communion just took on a whole new meaning.


Chris said...

Yeah, we can take things like that and other things for granted so easily. I'm glad you shared this story. Warmed my heart too.

carey said...

what a great story. i'm glad you got up. are you feeling any better?

Karen said...

I wasn't even there and I'm crying! Sheesh, I'm not pmsing or anything, but both this post and the one above it really got to me. I'm so glad I get to know what's going on with you, DeAnn. :-)