Friday, April 06, 2007

Today my youngest had her kindergarten checkup. The last kindergarten checkup I will ever have to make and the last one I will ever have to worry about. This whole kindergarten thing is a little overwhelming for me but that's a whole other blog. Today, right now, I am so happy this appointment is over. My little one is done shedding tears from the shots, ate her Happy Meal and is ready for kindergarten. I had to explain we needed to finish preschool first though. She wants to know how many more sleeps 'til kindergarten...hmmm, I need to figure that one out.

Last summer, my little one had a seizure in the backyard. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen and even today, I get emotional about it. From that point, she had to have all these tests done...EEG, blood work and an MRI. They were looking for whatever it was to cause this to happen. Thank God, there were no tumors, there was no diabetes, there was nothing. We figured it was a reaction to low blood sugar and her body responded by having a mild seizure. The doctor said she would grow out of it. Thank God again, she has had no more episodes since and is thriving. But I still was worried about this apointment, worried they would find something. Again, prayers were answered. My 5-yr. old is the spunkiest, smartest little girl I know. She rocks my world.

My bh said we were blessed today. And we were. We are. Look out kindergarten class of little one is ready to roll and I have a feeling she'll be the first one there.


Chris said...

Seizures are very hard to witness, I know. I can't imagine your own child going through it. I am so glad she is doing well today!

Karen said...

That first day of kindergarten is a killer. I don't imagine it gets any easier, either. I hope the sleeps go by slowly and sweetly right up until that day, DeAnn.

bobbione8y said...

wow, they start getting ready for kindergarten real early!

i know what you mean about the seizures, i cannot imagine a more frightful thing to see. i think that memories like that help us to give God our kids, and trust in Him more. He has good plans for that little one of yours, DeAnn!

but i'm glad you have awhile for her to be your baby, too :)