Monday, June 30, 2008

The best thing about my business is meeting all kinds of people. I have met and befriended people I never would have if it weren't for my camera.
There are so many personalities and everyone wants a different style of photos...casual, fun, posed, natural, thing I totally enjoy is the challenge of capturing the exact picture each person is looking for. I try and capture the personality of each person, whether they are a child or adult. It's fun. Once I start looking through the eyepiece, I see things that I wouldn't see normally. And I snap away, capturing pictures that truly represent each person. People ask me how do I do that and actually, it is what my business is all about. People having fun. Once they're relaxed, I can get any photo I want from them. I don't know what I would do without my camera.


Karen said...

I love how you've found this calling. It is so clearly a calling. I also love that you share it with us--it's great to see the talent God gave you put into action.

It's a good reminder for me..I've been so wrapped up in the move, and what I need to do is get off my butt (or get on it, I guess) and WRITE.

bobbione8y said...

i love the relationship part of what you do DeAnn, a sure confirmation that it's a GOD thing.

plus, you make beautiful photos :)

and karen, i second that....!

Chris said...

You can really tell that people have a great time during the process too. I agree, it's a calling.