This has been a busy couple of weeks, thus my lack of blogging. I have so many things racing in my mind to blog about, I don't know exactly what would be worth the blog space. So I think I will just start with the first thing on my mind and see where this blog leads us...enjoy the journey.
*My dad and his wife returned from the Barrett-Jackson Car Show in Arizona before leaving again for the Virgin Islands. So we snuck in a visit before they left and as usual my dad leaves me feeling like he is the best dad in the world. I always tell him I have the best because he truly is the best. I pray for their safe travels. I offered to come along for company but here I sit wrapped in a blanket, braving the deep freeze we are in. I guess they ran out of space?!
*My 7 yr old was nominated by her teacher to be Student Of The Week! It's a great honor. My son has held this honor twice but this is a first for my first grader. She is very excited and we are proud to have her poster on the wall at the school for everyone to see. There are 4 elementary schools here and ours is the only one to do this for the kids. I think it's great for them. To celebrate, she got her favorite supper...mac n' cheese.
*Although I was cheering on the Bears, I couldn't help but to be happy for the Colts too. Especially after hearing the coach's interview after their Super win. I was driving the kiddos to school and listening to K-LOVE when his words came across..."I am proud to represent the first african-american coach to win the SuperBowl but I'm more proud to have played the way Lovie Smith and I play the game. The Lord's way. That's the only way to play and win this game..." How awesome. And my football fanatic son was soaking in every word. Way to go, coach. Way to go, God.
*My business is picking up! I just bought this new flash for my camera and I can't wait to use it this weekend. My next task is updating my website. I have some cool ideas in my head but can't quite find the person to do the creating. So I need to some more research and see if these ideas can somehow make it to the computer screen. Ugh!
*After a couple of years of looking at houses, putting in a couple of offers only to be outbidded (I know, just like eBay) and seeing some nice homes but nothing we really felt comfortable in, my bh and I have done some soul searching and decided we really like our house! It's home to us. We love the yard space, we love the colors on the walls we picked out and we love the rustic feel we have created. God is telling us something. We are meant to stay here at least for a while. So we have made the decision to do the next step and remodel. The electrician is hired and the plumber is coming to add a bathroom and extra bedroom. It's great to have finally made this decision and to know it's the right move for us.
*And finally, God. I could blog about him all day. For reasons I can't get into, my prayers are being answered in ways I can't even explain. He has always been there, I know, but He is really showing Himself to me lately. It's almost like I have this aura around me. Life is good. God is good. Keep the faith, He really is there making a difference in the world.
My mind is clear now. It's more of a rambling blog filled with things that probably wouldn't interest anyone. I think that's what blogs are write, clear our minds and hope the bloggees reading won't think we are totally crazy. Thanks for listening.