Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I don't know what it is about being in church that makes me want to cry. I don't know if it's watching my son diligently taking sermon notes, soaking in the words. Or maybe it's listening to my girls sing their little hearts out on songs they know, even if they're off key. Or maybe it's seeing a guy with a pink mohawk sitting in a pew all by himself, worshipping God because God doesn't care what you look like. Or maybe it's just God revealing himself.

I don't know what it is but if I think about too much while I'm sitting in church, the tears would stream down. It's kind of strange. Or maybe not. All I know is, Sunday mornings sure have more meaning now than they ever did before.

And that's a good thing.


carey said...

yep. i know what you mean. i can see an old man alone in a pew and the tears come because i know he is alone. or i will see the way a grandma's face looks as she reaches out to touch the hand of a stranger's baby. this stuff kills me softly, and it happens every sunday.

Karen said...

DeAnn--I cry every single Sunday. Just like my mom. :-) I have decided that it's the power of God's presence that does it to me, so I'm totally ok with it. It is a little bit of a joke over here, though. I'll start and the hub will pull some kleenex out of his pocket...good thing one of us is a planner, huh?

DeAnn said...

Man, it's so nice to know I'm not the only one. You guys are the best and believe me, I'll be thinking of you in church this Sunday and the tears will well up. you'll be in my prayers...

bobbione8y said...

oh. i'm a cryer. so was Jeremiah, so we all are in good company... :)