Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It was like we were dating again! I'm talking about my hubby. This weekend my mom came down to watch the kids and we headed to Mitchell to Menards and of course, Cabelas. It was a great time. We shopped for toilets and showers for our new bathroom and spent hours at the hunting store. He is in his glory at that place. But I have to say, I like it too. I like because of the smile he gets on his face as he shops for hunting stuff. So anyway, we got these neat matching green caps for this summer. We wore them all the way home and it was just so funny! Just looking at us with these matching hats, all giddy with our new toilet and couldn't ask for more.

But here's the best part...this song came on the radio while heading home. I had never heard of it but my bh said he heard it when he was antelope hunting and loved it. He told me to listen to it...the words said something like I heard your voice on the phone and it was so sweet....then he told me when he heard this song, it reminded him of me and made him homesick. My eyes filled with tears and I just started laughing! My bh, after all these years he really is a romantic. I'm so lucky.


Karen said...

Toilets and camo, the stuff dream dates are made of! So glad you had a good one!

carey said...

hey you. life is good, isn't it?

Susan said...

Sometimes days like that are better than a nice dinner out. Love the song thing. Very cool.

bobbione8y said...

yep. i can relate. i know we imagined our "dream" men growing up, just like on susans blog.

the ones we ended up with are quite different. but i would not trade a day of real life with phillip for any of those imagined lives for a sec.

so glad you have your hubby ;)