Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It doesn't happen very often with varying schedules but everyone was home tonight. So I bribed my family, set the self-timer, had 10 seconds to get into position and this was the picture we got. Not bad for scrambling. Funny how I take hundreds of other people's families but to get one of my own is, well, not so easy! But again, it's not bad. Maybe Christmas card material?


bobbione8y said...

oh yes. definitely.

i am amazed you can shoot something like that on a self-timer. your whole family is GIFTED :)

and good looking :)

carey said...

is that a smile on seth's face? he he. nice job, and wow. look at brody with his cool "long" hair. what a heartbreaker.

Karen said...

I love it, and you look like a million bucks!

Chris said...

Great Christmas pic!! You have such a beautiful family. And Bobbi, love the new pic you are using for your comments!:)