Thursday, November 20, 2008

I bought starch today. I've never ever bought starch before in my life. But today I did. And it's not for clothes or anything related to laundry. It's for madison's hair. yes, her hair.

Because madison is a little blue angel in the Nutcracker production, her hair needs to be in ringlets. I think I posted that before. So I have these foam rollers and began practicing. It worked! her hair was ringlet-y to me. I thought we were set. But come to find out, we're not. Apparantly, roller ringlets are not the ringlets they want. They want the "Nellie Olson" ringlets. You know, from Little House on the Prairie. Tight, glued together curls. Being a newbie to the production, I asked some other moms how they got the infamous "nellie" ringlets. This is what I found out:

Take an old curling iron, spray a section of hair with starch, roll it up in the iron, spray some more starch, slide iron out leaving a solid lump of hair hoping to resemble a ringlet. After dress rehearsals and shows, curling iron will need to be thrown away. Seriously? Starch? Since my blue angel is in the front, I figured I better get my starch. Saturday is a full dress rehearsal, so I'll be sure and post a photo of the starch-girl.

I wonder, did Nellie Olson use starch in her hair? Hmmmm, I guess we'll never know...


carey said...

oh, good luck with this one. when is the actual production? i bet you are so proud. if you need help getting all that starch out, i still have your shampoo...

Karen said...

Ew. I sure hope Madison's hair survives the production. Can't wait to see pics!

Chris said...

Yeah pictures!