Tuesday, February 05, 2008

My girls.
Sometimes I wonder what life will be like with them when they get into those teenage years. Because right now, they are just not clicking. Up until about a month ago, life was peachy for them. They played together, daughter 2 did whatever daughter 1 did, etc. They share a room with daughter 1 having the bigger bed. So we often find daughter 2 soundly asleep with her big sister in her bed. It's quite cute. But lately, well...the drama has begun. Drama and girls go together I think. Daughter 1 is very dramatic and the littlest things will get her going. Daughter 2 knows these buttons and pushes them from the minute I pick them up from school. Grrrrrrrr......so they end up both getting into trouble. Lately, I have had to have them play in separate areas of the house. Things are nice quiet then. Seems to work so far.
It still makes me laugh though because they could be tattling on each other, picking on each other 'til bedtime....and I still find the little one sneaking into the older one's bed to sleep. They love each other even through all the drama.


Chris said...

Ah sisters, I missed out on that one. They do love each other, but they wouldn't be sisters with out some of the drama. Fasten your seatbelts!

carey said...

sometimes, i just let me boys work it out and i force myself to stay out of it. more often than not, they resolve the fight without me getting all steamed up.

granted, i have to go downstairs so i can't hear it, but still :)

Unknown said...

I am not ready to hear about this yet...