Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My family grew by 3 the last couple of days. The extra children are the kids of our great friends. We met this family when we first moved to Yankton, 13 years ago. We trade babysitting, as well as shopping tactics, recipes, etc. As you can see, their kids are the same age and gender as our kids. So it's an instant bond. Their mom and dad are teachers and had to go back to school a couple of days earlier than the kids so they set up camp at our house. It was fun although I truly don't know how people who actually have 6 children do it! But the girls played dress-up and the boys played football and I just held down the fort. Shewww, I made it. I'm so glad we have such good friends.

1 comment:

bobbione8y said...

and you somehow had time to sit them down for a great photo too!

man, i bet other moms are afraid to look at YOUR scrapbooking efforts....:)

looks like a beautiful handful.