Sunday, March 29, 2009

I feel like such a loser! I mean, here all my faithful blog girls keep up with their posts and I'm just plain behind. I seem to have lost the touch for writing on this thing, just can't seem to nail down one thing to blog about. I love reading yours, they all seem to have such meaning, such inspiration. I especially love how you can pull these awesome verses out of the bible and right them down and really think about the meaning. I have never been able to do that. I wish I could associate life...things...with bible verses. Maybe some things would make more sense to me.

I love the posts I've been catching up on. It makes me happy to hear about everyone's happiness, new hairdos which by the way are beautiful, new house in a new town, killer lasagna, kids, families and a newfound album. I need to regroup and get my thoughts out of my head and in a post. Everything right now is in a jumble. Is there a bible verse for that?? I would love to know!

1 comment:

bobbione8y said...

we just love it that you are here deann!! no pressure :)

the way i look at it, any part of your life i get to see is more than i EVER would have had, except for blogging!