Thursday, May 07, 2009

Here's the question of the day...

If Brett Favre really goes to Minnesota to play for the Vikings, does that mean Seth and I will have to cheer for him which technically would go against our Packer rivalry for all these years and will Brody kind of cheer him on because his autograph is in his room but yet won't because he's a viking and not a packer?!

Oh the confusion. vikings...packers...vikings...packers...personally I think the guy should find another job so our lives will be easier during football season!


Karen said...

Oh, good grief. I had no idea he was thinking about playing again. I would think that his wife would talk some sense into him!

carey said...

Jace calls it "the quarterback who cried retirement"

I liked him better when he could make up his mind!

Chris said...

It's sad isn't it. He just can't let go of the limelight, if you will. He can't see him self outside of being the great Football hero.