He can. Now you know. His reindeer were sick so the plane brought him to town. If you look closely, you can see him in the plane as he landed at Yankton's airport. We were lucky enough to see him land safe and sound. Brody came along to help me with keeping track of his sisters (although he did admit this whole event was kind of cool for the little kids)): So the girls got to tell him what they wanted which is totally different than the first list so we'll see if Santa pulls through. Whether Santa comes by plane, car or sleigh, the kids were just oohed and aaahed over the deal. That really was pretty cool.
ok. that is so cute. i love that santa coming by plane is SO NOT A PROBLEM :)
very cool. my cousin rocky's husband is a fighter pilot and Santa always comes in an F-15 when he visits their boys.
some kids have all the luck.
Brody is so cute, being all grown up and stuff!;)
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