Thursday, October 26, 2006

this is a picture I took a couple of weekends ago and it's one of my favorites. It reminds me of when my bh and I were married 12 1/2 years ago...we were about the same age as this couple was and just as in love. Still are when it comes right down to it. Through all the trials and tribulations, the love is always there. We laugh at our memories and look forward to the ones yet to come. Aaahhh, love....there's nothing like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TWELVE YEARS, DeAnn? I remember your wedding like it was yesterday! I have just started reading your blog, at Carey's suggestion, and LOVE to see the "grown-up" version of one of my all-time favorite people. This blogging is pretty cool, despite my original misgivings. Keep writing, sister, and I'll keep reading!
